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from = { ... }

All primitives inherit the following properties (though some of them may bring their own additionally):

fromtableStarting values
totableAnimates to ...
looptable/fn/boolLooping settings, see loop prop for more details
delaynumberDelay in seconds before the animation starts
immediatebooleanPrevents animation if true
configtableSpring config (contains mass, tension, friction, etc)
resetboolThe spring starts to animate from scratch (from -> to) if set true
defaultboolSets default value of compatible props if true. See default props for more details

Advanced Props

Loop prop

Use loop = true to repeat an animation.

-- Transparency repeatedly animates from 0 to 1
local styles = RoactSpring.useSpring({
from = { transparency = 0 },
to = { transparency = 1 },
loop = true,

The loop function

Pass a function to be called after each loop. Return true to continue looping, or false to stop.

-- Transparency animates from 0 to 1 three times
local count = React.useRef(0)
local styles = RoactSpring.useSpring({
from = { transparency = 0 },
to = { transparency = 1 },
loop = function()
count += 1
return 3 > count.value

The loop table

Define a loop table to customize the loop animation separately from the initial animation. It may contain any of the useSpring props. For example, if delay: 1 is used, the loop animation will delay for 1 second on each loop.

-- Transparency repeatedly animates from 0 to 1 with 1 second delays
local count = React.useRef(0)
local styles = RoactSpring.useSpring({
from = { transparency = 0 },
to = { transparency = 1 },
loop = { delay = 1, reset = true },

Inherited props

The loop object is always merged into a copy of the props object it was defined in. The following example shows a loop animation that inherits its config prop.

-- The loop doesn't run more than once
local styles = RoactSpring.useSpring({
from = { transparency = 0 },
loop = { transparency = 1 },

⚠️ The loop doesn't run more than once. That's because some props are never inherited. These props include default, reset, and reverse

To loop the animation, try adding reset = true to the loop prop in the above example. Alternatively, you could add from = { transparency: 1 } to get the same effect.

Lastly, try adding config = { friction: 5 } to the loop object. This overrides the inherited config with a springy animation.

-- Transparency repeatedly animates from 0 to 1
local styles = RoactSpring.useSpring({
from = { transparency = 0 },
loop = {
transparency = 1,
reset = true,

-- Transparency repeatedly animates from 0 to 1
local styles = RoactSpring.useSpring({
from = { transparency = 0 },
loop = {
transparency = 1,
from = { transparency = 1 },

Reset prop

Use the reset prop to start the animation from scratch. When undefined in imperative updates, the spring will assume reset is true if from is passed.

local styles, api = RoactSpring.useSpring(function()
return { transparency = 0.5 }

-- The spring will start from 0
from = { transparency = 0 },
to = { transparency = 1 },

-- The spring will ignore `from` and start from its current position
reset = false,
from = { transparency = 0 },
to = { transparency = 1 },

In declarative updates, the spring will assume reset is false if reset is not passed in.

-- The spring will start from 0.2 on mount and ignore `from` on future updates
local styles = RoactSpring.useSpring({
from = { transparency = 0.2 },
to = { transparency = if toggle then 0 else 1 },
}, { toggle })

-- The spring will always start from scratch from 0.2
local styles = RoactSpring.useSpring({
reset = true,
from = { transparency = 0.2 },
to = { transparency = if toggle then 0 else 1 },
}, { toggle })

Default Props

The default prop lets you set the default value of certain props defined in the same update.

Declarative updates

For the declarative API, this prop is true by default.

Imperative updates

Imperative updates can use default: true to set default props.

local styles, api = RoactSpring.useSpring(function()
return {
position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5),
config = { tension = 100 },
default = true,

-- The `config` prop is inherited by the animation
-- Spring will animate with tension at 100
api.start({ position = UDim2.fromScale(0.3, 0.3) })

Compatible props

The following props can have default values:

  • config
  • immediate