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Imperative API

Passing a function to useSpring or useSprings will return an imperative API table. The following shows the difference between using the imperative and declarative API for toggling transparency.

Using declarative API
local toggle, setToggle = useState(false)
local styles = RoactSpring.useSpring({
transparency = if toggle then 0 else 1,

-- Later
return not prevState

Using imperative API
local styles, api = RoactSpring.useSpring(function()
return { transparency = 1 }

-- Later
api.start({ transparency = if styles.transparency:getValue() == 1 then 0 else 1 })

The rest of this page will use the imperative API.

You can also specify configs for each animation update.

position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5),
rotation = 0,
config = { mass = 10, tension = 100, friction = 50 },

To run tasks after an animation has finished, chain the returned promise with andThen.

position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5),
rotation = 0,
print("Animation finished!")

API methods

The api table in the second value returned from a spring has the following functions:

local api = {
-- Start your animation optionally giving new props to merge
start: (props) => Promise,
-- Cancel some or all animations depending on the keys passed, no keys will cancel all.
stop: (keys) => void,
-- Pause some or all animations depending on the keys passed, no keys will pause all.
pause: (keys) => void,

roact-spring guarantees that the api table identity is stable and won’t change on re-renders. This is why it’s safe to omit from the useEffect or useCallback dependency array.